Tuesday, February 21, 2012

#8:My aunt Mai

This my aunt. She is a secret ninja assassin. . . . . 
. . . 

Nope she wishes that was true this is who she really is: 

She is going to kill me for this picture but . . . I couldn't help myself :)

My aunt Mai is the quirkiest person I've ever come to know. And the weirdest.

Trust me. No one can beat her. She is her own sub-species of humans. But we love her anyways.

I remember growing up and learning to naturally make fun of her. Soon that fell partially onto me because of my . . . . fast reflexes (If you know what I am talking about). But I remember learning, yes learning, to put food in her mouth and taking pictures of her. Weird family tradition but that's the price for being a deep sleeper in our family :)

I also remember going crabbing with her. It's a very distant memory of when I lived in Seattle but still all the same I remember catching a little crab and how jealous of her I was. I was too scared to grab one but she got one. Of course it pinched her and we laughed and showed no sympathy but still all the same. I thought it was so cool.

I remember visiting Snowquamie falls in Seattle. She tried to make a jump that wasn't possible for her midget size and she fell in the freezing water. 

She had to wear a towel and a sweatshirt to keep up the towel. How embarrassing :) We laughed for days after that.

I remember her dancing during Hmong New Year. I revered the older girls. I was jealous that they got to ditch the traditional uniforms and dance with fans and clothing where you could actually move in.

I remember her getting baptized. I was so surprised. I can't believe that my stubborn aunt decided to do this. She said she would never get brainwashed. Heheh . . .  too late :)

I remember her waking us up at 4 freaking a.m. in the morning. . . . . Her punishment was to get tickled and have a weird photo taken of her. Success. 

She likes to spaz out at random intervals . . . . Like the picture you see above. In this one she was pretending to be the extinct . . . carnivorous . . . . dinosaur back in the . . . something period.

She likes to dance. . . . if you can call it that. Makes for great photos though :)

 I remember Moab. *Sigh* I'll admit I loved hiking there despite the endless plains of red dirt. She is deathly afraid of heights and they was this one part where there were sheer drops on either side. She had to be in the middle. She cut off my circulation and literally gave me a bruise. She was so scared but we laugh at her for it. She makes things go way out of proportion but not in a drama bratty teen kind of way. She does it in the "I can use this as blackmail for the future" kind of way :)

I love her and I love bugging her. She has funny reactions. Like this video below. She had just come back from exercising in the basement to this new exercise video my mother had gotten. She literally crawled up two flights of stairs. She really couldn't walk. I wish I could have gotten a video of that :) In here we are making fun of her as she freaks out over the loss of her legs. 

Never mind it won't let me . . . . . Stupide. I'll put up later. It's hilarious :)

She will hold a special place in my heart. Especially since she always does dishes and I hate doing them :) 

She is Laurel's Advisor now so she is over me. This should be a fun rest of the year in Young Women's. 

She is a strong-minded person and very beautiful. I don't know what I would do without her in my life :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful thoughts, Sarah. She and you are lucky to have each other. :)
