Sunday, February 5, 2012

#5: My fellow Laurels

The Young Women in my ward are a small group. Especially the Laurels. There are only three of us. Me, Courtney Walker and Emily Wyrick.

Ahhh . . . . We have been through so much together. From getting lost in a corn maze because our idiotic Priests abandoned us . . . . . to all getting our medallions at the same time.

I look foreword to every Tuesday night when we have our activities to Sunday church sessions. Our conversations are always amusing and never fail to put me in a good mood. I can go over and vent, just out of the blue, then take a wild turn and be happy. It doesn't faze them. It's a normal occurrence.

Courtney. She is loud. . . . yeah loud. She is also the biggest bookworm. Her grandmother commented that on it by saying: "Courtney? How are you suppose to do the Lord's work when you are unsocial?" She spends her time in the library and band room. But she is the most sarcastic sense of humor I've seen come close to my sister and she is just always happy. This might sound mean but she is even funny when she is in a sad of depressed mood. That's just her. She also just discovered "Ghost Whisperer", I can tell we are going to have wonderful conversations on the love Jim and Melinda share :)

Emily. She is quiet but she is a firecracker. She has strong opinions and her piano skills are just . . . . . it just breaks the scale of awesomeness. (Sorry just watched Kung Fu Panda, my language skills have taken a turn for the day). Sister Snow got knee surgery so Emily has been filling in for her on the organ. That's how cool she is. She also shares the same love with me of the t.v. show "Once upon a time". We have intense conversations on the Evil Queen and the love of Snow White and the Prince. Emily is so sweet though and really kind. Never says a bad word about anybody.

I love them. We are all different yet we get along so well. It's funny too the sequence. I'm older, then Emily, then Courtney. But Courtney is the tallest, then Emily, then I'm the shortest.

I'm going to miss them when I leave for college but for now I'm going to drink in all of the times we get to spend together :)

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