Saturday, February 11, 2012

#7: My AP Chinese boys

So this video was taken when I thought I was taking a picture . . . . My blonde moment of the day. I struggle with technology.

I should be out of Chinese AP right now . . . but I stayed and only because of them. They make the class fun and I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I didn't see them every B-day.

I am a very bad influence on them . . .  heh heh, I know. Me? Little 'ol Sarah? Yes me. I always distract them from the work we are suppose to be doing. I constantly bring up new subjects to talk about and even during test-taking I talk.

I still haven't figured out if it is a purposeful habit or if it is just instinct. Any way I'm still a bad influence.

Each of them hold a little special place in my heart, they all make my day and bring smiles to my face.

Mark Lindsey. The genius of life itself. He is the smartest person I know next to Sarah Crandall. I remember him in elementary school when we were in 6th grade together. He was shy. That's it end of story. Then High school hit. Did you know he is a pretty funny guy? Yeah a sense of humor and I've never seen him more outgoing before. Glad he broke out of his shell :)

Jacob Michaelis . . .  I think that's how you spell his last name . . .
He has a cute smile. And Asian eyes. They crinkle up when he smiles and I swear he has part Asian in him somewhere. He has a sense of humor that makes you roll your eyes but laugh, half the time because it's ridiculous, the other half because it really is funny. I enjoy his company and enthusiastic view on life and AP Chinese despite it's many stresses.

Michael Boyd. Haha I though he was part Asian when I first met him . . . . first time I've ever been wrong about a white guy. He is an amazing ballroom dancer and Chinese yoyo . . . ist. He also has a sense of humor that I wonder everyday about. I thinking Chinese-speaking white guys have some special funny bone . . . .

Chad Squires? . . . I think that is his last name . . .
I love making fun of him and his girlfriend :) Haha I caught him daydreaming one day and ever since I've been a leech that won't unlatch from him. I still don't know how she is but I'm glad he has the humor to deal with my random ways.

I love them. I love the class because of them. My four studmuffin boys make my B-days enjoyable and end my school day happily.

They deal with me patiently. I have a brain of . . . something that isn't intelligent. They also deal with my random moments of stupidity, jumpiness, clumsiness, and just me.

What would I do without them?

I still don't know. All I know is that I'm going to miss them immensely when I go off to college.

1 comment:

  1. Aww, I miss having class with all you guys... I'm glad you didn't drop AP though :)
