Saturday, February 4, 2012

#4: Soda Pibs

Now this is a funny one I know. But I have a very good reason for this one.

As many know I work at the movie theatre. I love it, even though I come home smelling like nasty food and popcorn every night. However the people I work with are wonderful and fun :)

We have many inside jokes and ways of sending messages to each other.

My favorite is through the soda Pibs. Don't ask how, I'm not giving the secret away.

However it's fun to check into work and find a message waiting for me from two people:

1. Flaps
2. 大好了

Everyone knows my love of notes and letters. However when they are hidden secretly they become even more special to me.

It's nothing more then a friend thing but it's something that makes me smile.

I can't look at soda pibs anymore without remembering that the next time I go into work there is probably a note waiting for me :)

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