Monday, January 30, 2012

#1: Letters

Whenever I find myself in a very nasty mood I open my box full of papers. These papers, whether a simple, tiny piece or a five-page anthem, bring breath back into my soul.

Call me conceited, but I love reading the notes of praise and compliments offered to me.

I can always count on the people who have engrained their thoughts and feelings onto the pieces of paper they took time to write. Their messages lift my soul and remind me why it is I deal with people everyday.

I would go through a million lifetimes facing the most horrendous people in order to find those special individuals who have blessed my life.

I smile at the memories each note brings with it. Some spiritual and some just . . . embarrassingly funny.

These special moments aren't captured on a camera but they are captured in our soul. They don't need scrapbooks for they can't be described. Those moments have emotions of a special happiness that they bring you when you read the letters.

I think that is why I enjoy reading scriptures so much. Some may think it's weird but I love it. I think of the scriptures as letters from God. We go to pray to him often about our problems then when we flip open the scriptures, there it is. The perfect verse that comforts our fears.

That's what letters do. They give advice. They remind you. They heal your soul. They make you smile. They tell jokes.

And most importantly: They are timeless.

They have been around for generations. A way of communicating that is getting lost amidst the texting generation.

It is for that reason, the loss of this special communication, that when I recieve a letter, my favorite way to communicate, that I smile.

A simple note that says thank-you or a letter that is just letting you catch up with their lives.

They all are special to me.

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