Monday, January 30, 2012

Let Happiness and Smiles run free . . .

I was in one of my silent moods of melancholy today. I didn't feel like making people happy, nor did I feel like smiling. I find that I have less to smile about these days and that thought scares me. Smiles are the key factor in this world that I believe is holding everyone back from eating each other's throats each day. A smile can cure a sad mood and ignite mischief in the soul.

A smile from a person I see that day makes me happy.

I want to smile and be happy everyday.

Even if it's for one thing and one thing only.

At least I can look back on that day and say that I lived that day.

So here is my challenge.

I want to post everyday.

Yes everyday.

Of everything that makes me smile.

And to make this more fun, it can be only one thing a day. My goal to make it to 365 days.

Also to make it harder, I want to spread it to everyone else. So each post comes with challenge for me to try to make someone else happy with that item or thing.

Let the happiness run free . . .

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